The future is a funny thing you know? On one hand we have all sorts of devices to make life easier and more relaxing. Weve got clocks that automatically update themselves for daylight savings coffee pots that automatically brew your favourite cup o joe at the right time and even robots that feed our cats clean their litter boxes vacuum our floors clean our gutters and much more. And lets not forget the little device you hold in your hand which you may or may not be compulsively checking every five minutes. So youd think with all these improvements life would be less stressful. But it doesnt take a naturopath to recognize that thats not always the case. In fact the truth is people are more stressed than ever. According to a 2016 study from Statistics Canada about one in four Canadians describe their lives as extremely stressful. That means more than nine million Canadians are dealing with high-stress lives. What Can I Do About It? There are a number of stress-reducing techniques out there many from a nutritional perspective. Believe it or not the food you eat can have a massive impact on your stress levels. If youre feeling stressed out one easy way to alleviate that is by drinking a glass of water. The importance of water to our health cant be overstated. And if youre feeling stressed tired or depressed a tall glass of water can be surprisingly effective at making you feel better. But other than water there are a few different nutrients which can help you combat stress. Here are five of them and where you can get them. 1. B- Vitamins When your mind is constantly in a state of anxiety it can cause you to have difficulty sleeping. And when you cant sleep your stress level can go up which leads to more difficulty sleeping. B vitamins especially B1 B3 and B9 can help reduce stress. These also help regulate your nervous system and digestive system without which youd be in hot water indeed. You can find vitamin B1 (also known as thiamin) in pork ham dark leafy greens almonds and broccoli. Meanwhile vitamin B3 (also known as niacin) shows up most commonly in chicken turkey and most types of fish. And B9 (also known as folate) shows up in spinach turnip greens and broccoli. 2. Magnesium Magnesium helps your body build serotonin the stuff it uses to send messages from one section of the brain to another. High stress and low serotonin levels have been linked in scientific research as demonstrated by this 1998 study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology though the exact relationship isnt yet fully understood. There has also been some evidence linking serotonin deficiency with depression though some surprising studies have shown that the link is more complicated than a causal relationship. But either way serotonin is an essential part of health and of stress management. You can find magnesium in green leafy veggies nuts (especially almonds) and beans. 3. Polyphenols Ever sit down after a long stressful day and scarf down an entire bar of chocolate? Why is that? Because its delicious of course but theres more to it than that. Dark chocolate is loaded with polyphenols an antioxidant which helps neutralize free radicals in your body. Free radicals are substances which can cause all sorts of issues within the body. When were stressed our bodies are more susceptible to damage which means having a steady supply of antioxidants is even more important during stressful times. Chocolate is also a great source of magnesium as well so its no wonder we gravitate toward chocolate when were stressed. Now before you start going around thinking a naturopathic doctor said you can stuff your face full of chocolate every day because its good for you take a step back. Of course this doesnt mean you should go hog wild on chocolate. Everything in moderation of course. And its DARK chocolate that has the benefits so loading up on all that leftover Halloween candy isnt going to help. You can also find polyphenols in green tea most types of berries artichokes flax seeds chestnuts apples and pomegranate juice. 4. Potassium Potassium is an element with a few different functions. It helps keep the fluids in your body balanced your nerves functioning and your muscles firing. This is one of the reasons why potassium is so popular among athletes. And of course one of the most important muscles in your body is your heart. During stressful times your heart works harder than it needs to. Potassium can help keep it moderated which is definitely a good thing. The easiest most common place to get potassium for most people is from bananas and sweet potatoes but you can also get it from the leafy green part of beets clams prunes and carrot juice. 5. Vitamin C When youre stressed out your adrenal glands end up producing a large amount of cortisol. This stuff pushes your body to break down your muscle tissues in order to get energy and can weaken your immune system as well. But a dose of vitamin C can help your body lower your cortisol levels to a normal level which will protect your hard-earned muscles and keep you safe against disease too. If youre eating a diet rich in whole foods its pretty difficult to be deficient in vitamin C. Chili peppers red and green peppers kale cauliflower broccoli Brussels sprouts kiwi strawberries papaya pineapple mango and citrus fruits are all loaded with vitamin C. Eat Your Stress Away Eating these foods can help you reduce your stress levels which can help you cope with a high workload or a large number of responsibilities better than others. And since stress is also linked to a wide range of other health issues eating a healthy diet rich in stress-busting foods can help you live a longer healthier life. But sometimes theres more to stress than a nutritional imbalance. If youre finding your current strategies for coping with stress arent helping there is hope. Contact the Mindful Healing Clinic today and book a FREE 15-minute introductory session with me Dr. Maria Cavallazzi. Until next time Dr. Maria Cavallazzi N.D Mindful Healing Integrative Naturopathy 251 Queen St S Unit 4 Mississauga ON L5M 1L7 - Dr. Maria Cavallazzi is a medical doctor from Colombia where she practiced as a family physician for 8 years until she moved to Canada 16 years ago. To find more information about health wellness and alternative medicine please visit us here: naturopathic clinic